Privacy Policy
WhipcoSydney is committed to respecting your online privacy and recognizes your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) you share with us. WhipcoSydney will never sell, provide, or share your personal information with any person or third party company. Some of our web pages may utilize “cookies” and other tracking technologies. A “cookie” is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about website activity. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously indicated by a Web user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.

Tracking technologies may record information such as Internet domain and host names; Internet protocol (IP) addresses; browser software and operating system types; and dates and times that our site is accessed. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to improve our website and your Web experience. We may also analyze information that does not contain Personal Information for trends and statistics.

If you choose to submit an online order with us, you may periodically receive an SMS that includes current sales and discounts. You may easily unsubscribe from our sales list by replying with 'STOP'. We detest the huge amount of spam internet users confront and do not want to be a part of the problem.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any questions concerning our privacy policy or the use of your personal information.